jueves, 14 de abril de 2011


           Sudan is Africa’s largest country. For decades, it has been on constant war, chaos, discrimination and struggle. People’s rights have been ignored. People who feel superior think that they have the right to treat other like garbage. But guess what? We are all equal!

In Sudan, Black Africans are abducted and used as slaves in Arab Muslim’s homes. There right to be free has been taken away from them. They are not treated as humans. For me, the worst thing someone can do is take my freedom away. This has happened to thousand Sudanese people. The UN is supposed to take care of this or the government. Guess what? None of them do! The UN, the same group that organized the human rights, they too have ignored Sudanese problems and pain. Because they forget that this people feel pain too! A genocide occurred in Sudan and the UN appeared months later...
Some UN guards have been caught mistreating Black Africans.
              I bet that if you are reading an article about an unstable country that violates human rights, you would say let the UN deal with it. But does this picture make you think the same way? It doesn't make me feel any safer. People should help others because they want to...because they feel that they need to...because their hearts are telling to do so. This could be you! Living a life where you have no freedom, where you don't feel secure, where you are discriminated, and when death might be in the next corner. Thats no life!

              The whole world should help prevent future wars that only bring death and hunger. Sudan needs a fair government. One that pleases both Arab Muslims and Black Africans. A government that believes in EQUALITY. Money is always also needed because this people need food. No one should die because they don't have money to buy food.  I say that if Sudanese people want peace, the Southern part should be given independence already. If they were independent, they could have a government that the people of that part of Sudan want. That is one of the main reasons of discrimination, death and slavery toward Black Africans in Sudan. The government itself has encouraged Arab Muslims to do so. I belief that the separation of Sudan will stop many of the human right violation going on right now. Other countries should help Sudan take this step. Peacefully! Not bringing any army. Peace won't be acquired by using Violence!

             In conclusion, Sudanese people rights are ignored! They are humans too! They feel the pain! Help is needed. Money, support, medical treatments, and peaceful protests is whats going to help Sudan. Information about the human rights violations in Sudan should be worldly published, so more help can be gathered.

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